A soul on fire for God

Bringing young people, from all races and walks of life, closer to God in a manner they understand through the power of Bible-based programs, ministry and service.

Who we are

We are a collective of like-minded people from different denominations with the common denominator being Christ. We have come together for one reason and one reason alone which is to worship God Almighty. 

What we do

Launch into the world wholesome youth who become industry leaders and thought champions of their various fields while holding on to their faith.

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Know God. Have a personal relationship with Him, grow in your faith and serve Him through being of service to others. Make God known!

Meet real needs with the love of Christ. Network to create partnerships and challenge yourself to become all you can be.

Be a good steward of your body. Spiritual muscles, like physical muscles, require proper nurturing and exercise thorough disciplines that build up the soul.

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